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I'm not big on New Year's resolutions. The dismal attendance at the gym come March after a month or two of hardly being able to find a machine is proof enough for me that, for the majority of people, New Year's resolutions are simply well-intentioned but short-lived declarations to become better versions of ourselves. To the minority of you who actually stick to your guns on that healthier you resolution, bravo, I admire you.
No matter if you're in that small group of go-getters that stick to their New Year's resolutions, or that larger population that's 'only human', there's one thing I would argue isn't a total waste of your time this January - setting SMART business goals. I don't know about you, but for me, I'm much more likely to follow through to meet goals when they impact other people, or are directly correlated to business achievement.
At Pixel Loon, we've created a goal-setting packet that's FREE for you to download and use. These worksheets prompt you to keep in mind the SMART goal-setting framework as you set annual, quarterly and monthly goals. There's even a place to list your daily to-do's/reminders. Remember though, it's not enough just to set goals. You need to have a plan in place including the steps and resources needed to achieve your goals, how you intend on tracking your progress and what obstacles may come up and how you're going to overcome them. Not to worry though, Pixel Loon's worksheets will have you thinking about all of this.
To get your free download, visit Pixel Loon's blog post: New Year New You Sale and click the button in the post to download. Remember, sharing is caring, so if you like what you see, be sure to share Pixel Loon's post so other's can benefit too!
For my fellow bloggers, check out the list below for some sample SMART goals that you may want to enact today!
Make sure your goals are SMART: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Reasonable and Time-Bound