Too busy to get a workout in? Think again. Check out our five favorite quick yet powerful (and fun!) home workout videos. These are the perfect way to get your day started off right!
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The YouTube links ARE NOT sponsored content. They are genuinely some of our favorite workouts to do and some awesome channels worth subscribing to. We don't make any money by promoting these workouts, we just think they're awesome and want to share the love.
"Never miss a Monday". That's what the fitness diehards say at least. But if you're anything like me, Monday rolls around and I'm all like, "my snooze button sounds great... and an extra cup of coffee... and maybe a morning in my pajamas...". It's easy to fall victim to the "I'll start tomorrow" mindset. Sometimes you literally just don't think you have the energy to do it today. You're tired, not feeling well and convince yourself that maybe you just need another day to rest. Or maybe your to-do list is too long and you only have the two hours that your bambino is napping to tackle all of it. Whatever your excuse is, today's the day to let it go and get your booty in gear.
I've got you. I know the too tired, too weak feeling of motherhood and chronic illness. I know the struggle to prioritize my own health/fitness above the growing list of other seemingly more important things to get done. That's why sometimes you just need a quick and dirty 10 or 15 minute work-out to snap you out of it and get you moving and energized for the day. It seriously will make all the difference and you will NEVER regret just getting up and getting it done.
Keep scrolling for five of our favorite FREE YouTube workouts that are quick (beware - quick does not equal easy!) but powerful and the perfect way to jump start your busy day. Remember that these workouts are not all it takes to maintain a healthy lifestyle. You need more frequent movement throughout the day, and more lengthy heart-pumping routines to keep that heart it in shape. These workouts are perfect to have queued up though for those days where you're about to back out or need something quick to feel like you at least accomplished something.
Obligatory Disclaimer: As always, you should consult your physician before starting this or any other exercise program. The workouts presented here are in no way intended as a substitute for medical consultation and may not be appropriate for everyone. If at any point during your workout you begin to feel discomfort, light-headed or nauseous, you should stop immediately and call your doctor if necessary. You are responsible for exercising within your limits and seeking medical advice and attention as appropriate. is not responsible for any injuries that result from participating in these or any other workouts.