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You ever have one of those weeks where you wish you could take a pass on the whole being an adult thing and go back to your college glory days? This was that week for me. A bit nostalgic, I decided that brunch today would be one of our college favorites. I had THE BEST house at the University of Minnesota with the greatest roommates a girl could ask for. In fact, I had at least 14 fabulous roommates come through that house during my time there and loved just about every second with all of them. We always had a great time, and whether it was after a night out or a night in, chances were there was at least one someone crashing on our couch anxiously awaiting breakfast the next morning.
While macaroni and cheese was our late night go to snack, breakfast potatoes was our breakfast of champions. Easy, greasy and always sure to settle our stomachs after a few too many the night before, these things were practically an every weekend production. Below is an adult twist on the college staple.
This isn't going to be your typical recipe. Daylight savings got the best of me. I got a late start and the Vikings game was quickly approaching so I didn't write down all my measurements exactly. Think of this as more of a Sunday brunch inspiration. I'll take you through a picture walk which will lay out what I did with approximate amounts. Just remember (as should be the case with all my recipes) to taste as you go and make adjustments according to what you have going on over there in real life.
Some Potatoes (I used 5 and it gave us plenty of leftovers for another meal)
1 onion (red, yellow, sweet, whatever you have on hand)
2 cloves garlic - minced
5 few pepporchinis -sliced
salt, pepper, paprika
splash of chicken stock
a large handful of shredded cheddar
a tablespoon or 2 of dijon mustard
4 eggs
kale and brussel sprout salad (Taylor Farms makes a great salad in a bag that you can find at Target.
Serves 2 (with leftover potatoes)
Time: about an hour
Just had to snap a picture of what my husband is doing 95% of the time while I'm cooking....working on his short game.
Play with really cool oven mitts.
Seriously, these Ekogrip Oven Mitts are awesome and easy to clean...I love them so much and promise I'm not even getting paid to say that. If you want to purchase your own, you can buy them through the amazon link below.
While potatoes are baking get the ingredients ready to poach your eggs and bring the water/vinegar to a simmer. Once the potatoes are done and out of the oven, poach your eggs.
Serve poached eggs over breakfast potatoes with a side of kale and brussel sprout salad. Top with basil or chives.
Cut your potatoes and onions into uniform pieces. The smaller they are the quicker they will cook.
Heat your cast iron skillet over medium high heat. Add 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil. Add onions and cook for a couple minutes until starting to brown. Add garlic, stir and cook another minute.
Add your potatoes.
Season generously with salt, pepper and paprika. Add the pepporchinis Stir.
Cook for 5-10 minutes, stirring occasionally. If you notice a lot sticking to the bottom and starting to burn, push the potatoes to the side, add a splash of chicken stock and scrape the caramelized bits off the bottom of the pan (this adds some good flavor and helps make clean-up a lot easier)
In a small bowl, mix cheddar cheese and dijon mustard. Stir into potatoes. Transfer to a 450 degree oven. Bake 20-30 minutes or until golden brown.