After a long night, this sandwich is your new best friend.
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This is the ultimate comfort food (read: perfect for your New Year's Day hangover). My dad suggested that I doctor it up a bit but I'm going to share it exactly as he makes it because it's simply my favorite. And because I'm not doctoring anything up, there really is no need for specific measurements or an actual recipe - it's that simple. So consider this your brunch inspiration for the day - send your thank yous to my dad.
Seems pretty basic, but a couple of key components make this egg sandwich the ultimate comfort brunch item.
Bacon, egg and cheese on a bagel. Seems pretty straight forward. There are just a couple key components that make this the perfect comfort brunch item.
Get yourself an everything bagel - toast it.
Butter both halves. Cream Cheese the bottom half.
Fry an egg to your liking. Top with cheese near end of cooking time, cover to melt.
Assemble: Bagel half with cream cheese, crispy strips of bacon, egg with melted cheese, bagel half with just butter. Order matters my friend, order matters.
Serve with fruit, yogurt and granola because, well, health.
Feel like it's too basic for your fancy pants? Spruce it up with pesto or add lettuce and tomato to make a BLT version. The possibilities are endless, but my philosophy on this one is, 'why mess with a good thing?'
Get that everything bagel toasted and those bacon strips crispy. This is your new favorite breakfast sandwich.