Join us for a FREE 7 day fitness challenge! All workouts are free for you to do right at home with no equipment necessary.
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If you're like me, when life gets busy my workouts are first up on the chopping block. Honestly, working out just isn't my jam. If I had the time to play in a sports league every night of the week I'd be in heaven, but that's not real life. So, I'm always on the lookout for quick, effective and, most of all, FREE workouts that I can do right in my living room with no fancy equipment.
With that being said, behold, seven kick-ass home work-outs! Join me on this week long fitness challenge. This week is all about having fun and getting a variety of different types of workouts in so keep an open mind and don't worry about looking like a goofball - that's what home workouts are for! Need help staying accountable and living that healthy lifestyle you've been striving for? Join our free Facebook accountability group today!
Have Rheumatoid Arthritis or other conditions that require more low-impact work-outs? I'm with ya! That's why all of these are low-impact workouts that still pack a punch! Remember though, listen to your body and do what works for you - modify as needed! You can always make a workout more or less challenging depending on your level of fitness.
Obligatory Disclaimer
As always, you should consult your physician before starting this or any other exercise program. The workouts presented here are in no way intended as a substitute for medical consultation and may not be appropriate for everyone. If at any point during your workout you begin to feel discomfort, light-headed or nauseous, you should stop immediately and call your doctor if necessary. You are responsible fore exercising within your limits and seeking medical advice and attention as appropriate. is not responsible for any injuries that result from participating in this 7 Day Fitness Challenge.
15-Minute Beginner's Low-Impact Cardio Workout by POPSUGAR Fitness
Never skip a Monday! Get your week started off right with this short low-impact cardio workout. This girl has the enthusiasm you need for a Monday. Don't be fooled by the "beginner" in the title, I was feeling this big time the next day!
15 Minute Power Yoga Workout by SarahBethYoga
Work on your strength, balance and flexibility while channeling your inner zen master.
Calorie Blasting Barre Workout by Holabird Sports
Try something different and seriously fun to get through hump day! Two minutes in and I couldn't feel my arms... you're going to be feeling the burn with this one! Optional equipment: soup cans and a chair.
Cardio Calorie Burn Dance Work-out with Denise Austin by BeFiT
I have to be honest, I haven't tried this one yet but am seriously looking forward to it... I mean is there anything more soothing than Denise's encouraging voice? Haha I love her! Channel your inner 90s mom and get your groove on! The more outrageous you make it the better the workout... #fact
Total Body Toning Low-Impact Cardio Workout by Fitness Blender
Blast your favorite Friday jams and get one last full-body workout in for the week!
Low Impact Strength Express with Stephanie by Qinetic Live
Low impact but super intense! May need to modify based on your level of fitness, but give it a go and try to end your challenge going strong! Dumbbells recommended but soup cans would work for most of the exercises (I would obviously not recommend trying the plank exercises using soup cans - modify appropriately people!!).
20 Minute Yoga for Flexibility by SarahBethYoga
You made it! Day 7 of the fitness challenge and your body is probably feeling it! This yoga routine is perfect for getting those tight muscles stretched out!
Rinse and Repeat
How'd it go?! Are you feeling like a million bucks? Are you feeling like you can't lift your arms up? Wherever you're at stick with it! Each week will get easier and easier until you're modifying these workouts to make them MORE difficult, not less.
Have other free home workout videos that you love? Comment with the links below to spread the love. I'll check them out and maybe include them in my next fitness challenge!