For those days when you just want to go on a gluten-spree. We got you covered with our top 20 favorite gluten-free products that will make you forget all about their gluten-filled counterparts.
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The joys of going gluten free...
While the best way to eat a gluten free diet is to simply eat a normal diet full of fresh fruits and veggies, there are a few gluten free products worth splurging on for those of us still having a hard time giving up the gluten. I've been known to go on a gluten spree from time to time. I seriously love all things gluten - bagels, pizza, pasta, anything that involves bread, cake, the list could go on and on... It was a huge a bummer when it was suggested that I go gluten free to help try to manage my Rheumatoid Arthritis symptoms.
The worst part was how expensive it was to go GF and how terrible some of the options were. It was a double whammy when you had to pay an arm and a leg for the GF counterpart to your favorite gluten-filled foods just to find out that it was something you would never buy again (in fact, sometimes you couldn't pay me enough to eat it again, period). It was a very expensive ongoing taste test.
Another downfall to going GF was the fact that you often had to head over to other (more expensive) grocery stores to get a better variety of GF options. Ain't nobody got time for that, and I sure as heck don't have the money for that. The good news is, the GF industry has come a long ways in just a few short years, and more and more stores are carrying a variety of options.
One Stop Shop
My current one-stop shop is Target, so all of the products on this list are ones that can be found during your usual Target run. Even if they still cost more than typical foods, you can at least rest assured that you aren't throwing your money away on something disgusting. Also, if you aren't using a Red Card and the Target App now with Cartwheel (yeah I hate the new log-in too, but whatever) you are literally just throwing money down the drain.
Side note on Cartwheel: if you just go in and scan as you shop, you might be missing out on special deals just for you! If you go into the app and click on cartwheel offers - there's a button "for you". Those are special offers tailored to your shopping habits that won't show up just by scanning a product. You need to add them directly from the list.
Sure Target frustrates me from time to time, but with the new drive up feature which lets you order online and have it brought out to your car and their recent acquisition of Shipt, they seem to be heading in the right direction and finding ways to become even more convenient for the busy mom like myself. What's Shipt you say? This article explains it a little more, but essentially it's a company that's going to make same day delivery of FRESH grocery from Target a reality and this girl is pretty stoked about it. The same person who shops for your groceries is the same one who delivers it so this helps ensure quality produce - and if you like a shopper/rate them highly, you'll be more likely to get paired with them again!
My Top 20 Favorite Gluten Free Products
Back to the main reason we're all here... My 2018 list of gluten free products worth splurging on - all available at Target. All of these are tried and true go-to favorites of mine. If you were to pop over to my place you'd notice that at any given time I have the vast majority of these in stock and ready to go!
What about you?
What are your favorite gluten free foods and where can we find them?! Comment below with your recommendations so people can put an end to their very expensive taste test.